Readings for insight

Five Objects and truth

In simple explanation those who do good will gain their next birth as a god...just like those who do evil go to hell... everything has a reason... in buddhism everything explain  nicely... so those who don't like to believe on what they can't experience through 5 objects they just ignore them and refuse to believe... so they say they don't exist and they even say buddhism doesn't explain such things... but the truth is always different what we believe through our 5 objects... it's beyond the 5 objects call eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and it's always to realize through wisdom!
And if I say something abt the Age, color, comfort & power some may misunderstand by thinking these are worldly measurements... but these are not... coz these things are the basic requirements which helps to some one to understand real dhamma one day through wisdom... May triple gem bless all of you!!

Let every living being's mind be jubilant!!!
Let every living being's mind be jubilant!!!
Let none kill or another one undo,
Nor harm anyone anywhere at all...
Let none wish another any ill,
neither from provocation nor from revenge.